Orbs (bonus: aggregate-designation of orbs as a ‘symphony’),

the former Queen of Denmark’s anonymized illustration submissions for LOTR,

copper-lined socks, the Exploratorium (bonus for Thursday night), reactive bioluminescence, honey mustard, the Pisano Function, Aubusson verdure tapestry, kindness, license plate play, glass flame shades, weeping willows, optical illusion, language as a playground, language as a lens, chip-carved frames, Viennese Nouveau rugs, Lucien Khan’s Fibonacci observance, when design considers shadow, lily pads with cloud-reflection between them (bonus: fish bubbles puncturing the illusion),language as a playground, well-pastured animals punctuating a long drive, fake grapes dangling on invisible wire, galoshes, the Pisano Function, forced platonicism as an act of Love,




Holes burned in your landlady’s ottoman by cause of orb unobserved,

Vindictive witches,

Nightmares that don’t defy potentiality upon waking,

organic mouthwash,